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nach Fussball auch Eurovisionscontest: erbarmungsloses Hunde töten


Sehr aktives Mitglied
8 April 2010
Liebe Leute,

es ist einfach nur grausam: Nach oder mit dem grausamen Hundeabschlchten in der Ukraine für die Fussball EM, gibt es einen nahtlosen Übergang zum Grand Prix Eurovisionscontest in Azerbaijan.
Alles, für ein sauberes Strassenbild.
Nachdem nun Proteste laut wurden,erklärte der Chef des "Vollstreckungsdezernats"Ahmed Memmedov, dass ein "Heim für Hunde" eingerichtet würde. Die alten,- und kranken Hunde würden dann sofort eingeschläfert werden...merkwürdigerweise lässt "die Stadt" keine Adoptionen der Hunde zu, so dass man davon ausgehen muss, dass die Hunde, die es in´s "Heim" schaffen, hinter verschlossenen Türen genauso zu Tode gequält, getreten, erschlagen, erstochen und vergiftet werden, wie die anderen armen Strassenhunde seit Wochen.
Videos auf Youtube sind erschienen und viele Bürger Bakus sind entsetzt.

Ich habe alle email Adressen schon geordnet. Sendet bitte nicht alle auf einmal, sondern am besten immer nur 10-15 Empfänger. Der Protest geht an die Verantwortlichen in Baku/Azerbaijan, die britische, schottische und deutsche Presse, (Zeitung und Tv-Redaktionen),sowie Sponsoren, und Stefan Raab und Thomas D.

killing of stray animals as part of the preparation for the Eurovision Song Contest 2012 in Baku

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letters@observer.co.uk, (hier bei Betreff bitte “Letter to the Editor” schreiben)
Originalseite unter http://www.occupyforanimals.org/azer...test-2012.html

Mister President,

since a few months already, animal rights activists from your country are reporting that your administrations are working hard to get rid of your homeless animals as part of their preparations for the Eurovision Song Contest 2012, and that animal-control officers are indiscriminately shooting any suspected stray dog that they encounter - without determining beforehand whether the animals pose a threat to public health and safety.

Since videos showing your dog catchers at work have been uploaded onto youtube and articles have been published in your local media, there is evidence enough that confirms what your citizens have been reporting.


We were shocked to learn about this and also quite surprised cause we thought that after the scandal of Ukraine and the world-wide boycott of the Eurofoot 2012, the message that the majority of people no longer accept such behavior, should be clear to all countries.

We were appalled to learn that the dog catchers would only use one single bullet per animal, regardless if the animal is instantly killed or not, and - in order not to spend another bullet - they "simply" kill the animals by hitting them with their guns, till death.

We have also learned that stray dogs have been killed next to schools, in front of the young children who until then took care of these animals. These poor children have seen their friends - the dogs who they had fed and caressed - being brutally murdered!

As if these atrocities were not enough, we could read in an interview published in your newspaper "Milli" (Trend) on 15/12/2011
http://www.milli.az/news/society/85621.html#comments that your Enforcement Department, represented by Ahmed Memmedov, is considering the construction of a "polygon" (shelter) in a remote area, but that the adoption of the animals who would be gathered there is not considered. In this interview, Mr Ahmed Memmedov, did not make a mockery of the fact that the skins of the (dead) dogs might very well be used in some way.

Such behavior is not only unacceptable for a civilized country but such treatment also violates the European Convention for the Protection of Pet Animals, an agreement that Azerbaijan signed in 2003. The Convention calls on authorities to handle animal-control related issues “in a way which does not cause avoidable pain, suffering or distress".

This situation is leading to increasing world-wide information campaigns and protests against the atrocities that are being carried out in your country and you can thus expect boycott of tourism and commerce, advertising against Azerbaijan, demonstrations in front of your embassies, travel agencies, on the internet and various media.

Mister President, we diplomatically ask you to put a halt to these killings immediately and to collaborate with well-known international animal welfare organisations that can advise you, and help your administrations achieve a spay and neuter program right now.

Not doing so would be harmful to the beauty and values of your country, would reduce tourism, and increase the lack of consideration and interest for the Eurovision Song Contest 2012.

Yours respectfullly, (euer Name+Stadt)